Imagine How Your Life Would Look If You Were 10x More Self-Confident!
When it comes to living your best life, confidence is everything. Welcome to the world's number one self-confidence coaching program for men.
Get StartedWho Else Wants To Start Living With Passion And Fearless Self-Confidence?
Imagine being able to confidently interact, impress and attract everyone you meet, especially beautiful women.
This complete masterclass will teach you the skills to always make a vigorously positive first impression and be an instant and obvious leader in all situations.
This life-changing course shows you how to make a dramatic paradigm shift to accelerate through the three phases of male maturation to become serenely comfortable in your own skin.
Discover the secrets to embracing your strengths and skillfully harnessing them to attain maximum leverage on life. At the same time learn how to accept and make peace with your weaknesses so that they no longer prevent you from living the life you truly desire.
Itunes bestselling personal development author and founder of PowerfullyConfident.com Craig reveals you how to become a commanding alpha male who is irresistibly desired by women and respected by all.
- How to create massive positive change in your life
- How to destroy approach anxiety with women
- Become fearless even with the hottest girls
- How to make other people feel amazing.
- Become the man that all women want.
- Why you must strive to join the top 5% of all men.
- How to make the world your playground
Every man should do this course at least once, but most won’t – it’s much less scary to stay hidden in the 'safety' of their comfort zones.

Brian Thompson
Craig has given me the “tools” and “map”.
You have a way of making all this seem entirely possible. Powerfully Confident has opened my eyes to just how hard on myself I have been over the years. You are right, not even my worst enemy would think some of the stuff about me I used to believe.
Thank you so much for making this stuff available to guys everywhere

Gary Vantellis
This course is the best investment I ever made.
Very practical and realistic. No nonsense. I’ve found it extremely helpful. Craig is very enthusiastic and engaging, would love to go to his live event.
This course is the best investment I ever made, I know the path it leads to and that's got me excited.

James Howard
Craig is one of the best in this field.
This is a great course, Craig is one of the best in this field and he explains it in great detail with no BS, just black and white and straight to the point.
This has opened my eyes and inspired me to actually get off my ass and start working on manifesting my dream life. I am now putting the wheels in motion and it’s all thanks to this course.
The Complete Step By Step Self Confidence Course For Men!
Module 1: Destroying Fear
Learn how fear is creating a false reality, preventing you approaching all the hot girls you are interested in. Plus you will learn the most powerful secret to dramatically improve your confidence.
Module 2: Escaping The Friend Zone
Discover the three stages of man. How nice guys can become powerfully confident with women without any silly gimmicks or cheesy and predictable pick up routines.
Module 3: Learning To Accept Yourself
Stop being so f*$king hard on yourself. You are a valuable guy. It's time to open your eyes and see the world of amazing you have to offer.
Module 4: The View From 30,000 feet
How to destroy your approach anxiety and put fear in it's correct place. You will learn how to successfully approach hot women without even thinking about it.
Module 5: Understanding outcome dependency
Destroy outcome dependency! Seriously, how many stunning women would you approach if you didn't care what she said?
Module 6: Being Bond
James Bond is almost always unruffled. He does not move without cause. You never see his knee bouncing or fingers fidgeting. He speaks carefully and intentionally. Women LOVE this in men.
Module 7: The Law Of Scarcity 101
This psychological rule of human behavior is going to be one of the most powerful attraction tools you have in the box. Master this secret and women become putty in your hands.
Module 8: Dump The Excuses
Stop Looking For Completion. Dump the excuses! The best time to learn how to get beautiful women into your life was yesterday. The next best time is right now.
Module 9: Getting More Sex
Breaking news - Women want sex just as much as men. So here's how you stop thinking that sex is something women own. This lesson will get you a LOT more amazing sex - guaranteed!
Module 10: Pattern Disruption
Women are used to being hit on by lame, socially ignorant guys - they expect it. I will show you how to smash through her bitch shield and find the amazing woman behind.
Module 11: The Trapdoor You Must Avoid
How to avoid catching deadly one-itis. Getting hung up on one girl causes huge problems for guys. It makes them needy and desperate. Let find out how you deal with this once and for all.
Module 12: Approach Mastery
Craig will show you the secrets to cold and warm approach. Including how to approach stunning women in everyday environments like the supermarket and the mall.
Module 13: Sacrifice The Goat
Time to destroy your approach anxiety once and for all. This is how you become a master of day game. This lesson alone is worth the full price of the course
Module 14: Integrity Matters
How to approach hot women, get the number, secure the first date & sexually escalate to the bedroom. And do it all with integrity. The Powerfully Confident man enhances lives... always.
Module 15: Body Language Masterclass
Guys always worry about what to say to girls. But 93% of what we communicate is non verbal. You will to discover that what you say matters a lot less than you think.
Module 16: Release The Demons
There is a lot of junk in your head that is holding you back & preventing you being the powerfully confident man you are capable of being. Time to meet the Demon Slayer.
Module 17: The 10x4 Secret
How to talk to women with style and confidence. This lesson will teach you the persuasion speaking techniques of and NLP master.
Module 18: The Dirty R
Dealing with rejection like water of a ducks back is the subject of this powerful lesson. You will never worry about being 'rejected' again after this masterclass.
Module 19: Sexual escalation and closing
How do you get hot girls into bed without dealing with the usual 'shit tests'. This lesson will give you a step by step routine to move things to the bedroom.
Module 20 - BONUS: Craig's Secret Routine
The Most Amazing Pickup Routine In The World. You asked for it, so here it is! The killer routine that Craig has used to get the number of countless hot women in less than 30 seconds!
Yes, I Am Ready To 10x My Self-Confidence And Get More Out Of Life:
- Instant access
- Download and keep everything.
- Complete Powerfully Confident video course
- BONUS 1: Unleashed - Live your true potential.
- BONUS 2: Persuasion University.
- BONUS 3: Body language masterclass.
- Support and coaching by Craig Beck.
- Lifetime access.
Only $1500Â $297
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