$19.00 USD

Terms: This agreement is made between Craig Beck (The Coach & Trainer at Craig Beck Media Limited – PO Box 45534, Ormidia, Cyprus) hereby referred to as (The Coach) and you the client.

The online member dashboard is considered a safe and respectful place. The coach and all clients are expected to treat others with tolerance, patience and respect. Anything discussed in the members area is done so under Chatham House Rules of confidentiality and non-disclosure. 

The Coach plays the role of facilitator of change, while it is the Client's responsibility to enact change. 

Disclaimer: This personal development course is designed for problem drinkers and not persons suffering from full blown alcohol addiction. The coach is not claiming to be a doctor nor is any medical advice offered. This program reflects the personal experience of the coach only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical assistance, but describes a program to be undertaken only under the supervision of a medical doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Individual result may vary.

Limited Liability: The Client is responsible for creating and implementing their own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions, and results. As such the Client agrees that the Coach is not, and will not be liable for any actions or inactions, or for any direct or indirect results of any services provided by the Coach. 

The Coach is not engaged to prevent, cure or treat any mental disorder or medical disease.

Add A Custom Recorded Hypnosis MP3 $300 $199

For a limited time, you can have Craig Beck write and record and unique hypnosis download designed exclusively for you. 

  • The script will be written by Craig to precisely address your personal situation with anxiety.
  • Craig will use your name repeatedly throughout the recording to significantly deepen the impact & results.
  • Recorded in a professional studio within 10-12 days of order. Supplied to you as a downloadable high quality mp3 file.

Anxiety Lied To Me eBook

With "Anxiety Lied To Me" you can break free from the vicious cycle of fear and worry, empowering you to live the fulfilling life you deserve.

  • Anxiety Lied To Me eBook
  • Anxiety Lied To Me Audiobook
  • Download & keep everything


Total value $50

Special Offer price $40 $19


What People Are Saying:

This course is an extraordinarily powerful look at how anxiety gets it’s power over you and how you reclaim that power."

Franz Kellerman, New York USA

I cannot believe that for over 25 years, my anxiety had such a powerful and detrimental hold on me. However, a new chapter began when Craig's 'Fear Technology' became my lifeline. This course is more than a course - it's a transformative experience. If you embrace the method it will completely dismantle your anxiety. While the transition wasn't seamless, the moment I began implementing the core principles, I saw immediate improvements. My gratitude towards Craig is immeasurable, not only for illuminating the path forward but also for giving me the opportunity to share my journey with you.

Angela Robertson, Nashville USA